IT Modernization

Cloud Services

Your Roadmap to the Cloud

InterImage delivers cloud migration services that help agencies efficiently move applications and services to the cloud. As a result, our customers can realize the full benefits of cloud computing, such as speed, agility, cost-effectiveness, elasticity, and information portability.

Our comprehensive cloud migration services are tailored for each customer and include strategy, assessment, planning, migration, and management. We also apply our cybersecurity expertise to help you secure your information in the cloud. Count on us for the cloud migration strategy and execution needed to keep pace with your IT modernization initiatives.

Case Study

Case Management in the Cloud

InterImage manages the development, operation, and maintenance of the Army Review Boards Agency’s (ARBA) primary case tracking system. ARBA administers 14 boards on behalf of the Secretary of the Army and provides the highest administrative level of review for personnel actions taken or initiated at lower levels of the Army. The case tracking system, which incorporates all business processes performed by the boards into a single integrated system, helps ARBA manage more than 22,000 cases annually.

Recently, InterImage oversaw all aspects of the migration of the case tracking system from an agency-hosted environment to the Microsoft Azure cloud. The web-based application now seamlessly supports hundreds of users from the cloud and includes a public portal for applicants to submit applications and request information.